IAD’s April 9th Roundtable Discussion

IAD President Emeritus Tom Chance joins current President Corey Axelrod in announcing an upcoming community roundtable in Champaign, IL on April 9th. This roundtable will be an opportunity for community leaders from throughout Illinois to come together and discuss different issues and concerns, as well as collaborate on efforts to respond.

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IAD Emergency Alerts and Accessibility Survey

The IAD Emergency Alerts and Accessibility Committee Chair Rosemary Edwards invites all members to take the IAD Emergency Alerts and Accessibility survey. The more people that reply to the survey will help the IAD Board of Directors understand underlying issues deaf and hard of hearing people in Illinois face in times of emergencies! Click here […]

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IAD Nursing Home and Communication Access Survey

IAD Nursing Home and Ward of State Committee Chair Marc Roer invites all members who are above the age of 50 to take the IAD Nursing Home and Communication Access survey. The more people that reply to the survey will help the IAD Board of Directors improve the quality of life for deaf and hard […]

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Join the IAD Emergency Alerts and Accessibility Committee

Do you want improved emergency alerts and accessibility during times of need? If you have ideas on how to improve access, you should consider joining the emergency alerts and accessibility committee! If you are interested in joining the committee, please email Rosemary Edwards, chair of the committee, today at eaac@iadeaf.org!

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IAD Community Survey

As we begin the New Year, IAD welcomes you to fill out a community survey! This community survey will help IAD prioritize the community’s concerns and improve your IAD experience. Click here to take the survey today, it’ll only take a few minutes.

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