IAD April 9th Roundtable: Addressing Statewide Issues

The Illinois Deaf community is still buzzing from last week’s roundtable discussion in Champaign. If you missed the roundtable, Illinois Association of the Deaf President Corey Axelrod recaps some of the issues discussed in the VLOG above. If you’d like to get involved and be a part of the solution, please contact Corey at President@iadeaf.org.

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Making History: IAD’s April 9th Roundtable

The Illinois Association of the Deaf made history last Saturday, bringing together more than 50 Deaf organizational leaders to Champaign to discuss the various issues Deaf individuals face in Illinois! Take a look to see what participants thought about the roundtable! We look forward to having you involved in our next roundtable, more information will be announced […]

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IAD’s Response to AG Bell’s Letter Marginalizing ASL

Sunday, April 3, 2016 Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Attn: Meredith Sugar, Esq Dear Ms. Sugar: Your letter in response to the Washington Post’s “The Reliable Source” column on Nyle DiMarco and his successes as a Deaf individual demonstrates the dismissive attitude your organization has continuously projected towards American […]

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Illinois Deaf and HOH Law Enforcement Communication Card

Laura Thompson, Communications Access Advocate at AIM Center for Independent Living (CIL) in Downers Grove, Illinois, collaborated with the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission (IDHHC) to develop a communication card for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals to use with law enforcement. Check it out ! For more details visit the Law Enforcement Communication […]

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IAD Youth Spring Party!

IAD Youth Program Chairperson Maria Hernandez shares her excitement in hosting the IAD Youth Spring Party on Friday, April 22, 2016 from 6 p.m. 10 pm. at the Naperville Yellow Box!  Click here for more information! Downloadable flyer https://www.facebook.com/events/789255331207849/

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