Chicagoland Deaf/ASL Starbucks Coffee Socials

Socialize with other deaf/hoh, new signers, ASL students and interpreters at a local Starbucks near you. These events are a great way to meet others, learn, practice ASL and deaf culture. All events are free – we encourage purchasing food/drinks from the establishments to support local businesses for use of their locations. These events are NOT […]

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Amazon Smile Fundraiser

(Text version of Amazon Smile Fundraiser Flyer)Amazon Smile Fundraiser for the HolidaysIllinois Association of the Deaf For most purchases:Amazon will donate 0.5% price of eligible purchases to IADProceeds will be used for 2023 Conference Fund How to Use Amazon Smile1. Go to: Select Change Your Charity3. Search for “Illinois Association of the Deaf”4. […]

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September Updates

On International Day of Sign Languages, the U.S. Department of State discusses sign languages beyond American Sign Language and their work to advocate for global linguistic rights. Read more in the DipNote blog:

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On July 26, 2021 marked the 31st anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)! Thanks to the ADA, it opens many doors for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Even with the ADA, we still have a lot of work ahead of us before we truly have equal access. (NAD) ANNOUNCING: Partnership Creates […]

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IAD President’s Report

Instead of doing a traditional president’s report during the IAD General Meeting, IAD President Corey Axelrod recorded a VLOG in which he shares a number of successes IAD accomplished over the past six years. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to email or ask during the general meeting on […]

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IAD Business Meeting Updates

In this VLOG, our president Corey Axelrod shares several important updates about our upcoming general meeting on June 12th. If you haven’t registered to join us for the upcoming business meeting, please fill out this short four question registration form at

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