National Association of the Deaf – NAD continues to keep us informed with updates during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind people are concerned about communicating with doctors, nurses, and others at the hospital. Many hospitals and medical facilities are changing their policies to create a safer environment which may impact your access — now, many hospitals will not allow in-person interpreters, family members, or visitors to come into the hospital. You may be alone for a long time, depending on how severe your case is. Doctors and nurses wear masks and may talk with you from behind a window or curtain. However, you still have the right to decide your care.

COVID-19: Medical Communication Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

COVID-19: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communication Access Recommendations for the Hospital

Stay safe and contact IAD at if you have any questions or concerns.

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