An Important Update about IDHHC, SR528 and SB752

The Illinois Association of the Deaf (IAD) received numerous inquiries asking the difference between Senate Resolution 528 and Senate Bill 752. In response, our Legislative Chairperson Jason Altmann created this VLOG. Additionally, Jason shares IAD’s continuous concerns about the lack of transparency at the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission, especially after comments made by Commission […]

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New Infographics Page!

IAD has created a new page where we will post Infographics visually illustrating who we are as an organization, what we do, and how our work benefits the deaf and hard of hearing citizens and parents of deaf children across the state of Illinois.  New infographics will be added on an ongoing basis. This new page can be found under […]

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IAD’s Timeline re: IDHHC and Interpreter Licensure

Several weeks ago, the Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (IRID) released a timeline with their organization’s perspective detailing their activities and involvement with SB752 and HB1811. This timeline was developed by IRID, not the Illinois Association of the Deaf (IAD). We are releasing our own timeline to provide a comprehensive list of activities […]

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IAD Board Meeting is Open to Public

The IAD will host its first board meeting after the 2017 IAD Conference on Sunday, September 10th at the ITAC office in Springfield. The meeting is open to the public; we look forward to having you join us at the meeting to discuss current issues and to provide feedback/input. We hope to see you there! […]

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Thanksgiving Eve Party ’17

The Illinois Association of the Deaf and the National Association of the Deaf are partnering again to host the 3rd annual Thanksgiving Eve Party on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 from 7-11pm at Saranello’s in Wheeling! Appetizers, dinner, non-alcoholic beverages and dessert are all included! A cash bar will be available, and we will also have […]

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IAD Priorities and Call for Volunteers

Since the IAD Conference, the IAD Executive Board has been busy planning for the next two years to make sure we satisfy our new top priorities (click here for the additional video about our priorities). As a part of this planning, we need volunteers to serve on our committees: Deaf Youth/Jr. IAD Education Strategy Team […]

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SB1839 at Risk of Not Being Signed Into Law

Earlier this afternoon, Illinois Association of the Deaf (IAD) President Corey Axelrod and Legislative Chairperson Jason Altmann sent Governor Bruce Rauner a letter on behalf of IAD requesting he sign SB1839 into law. SB1839 ensures 9-1-1 funding remains and Deaf, DeafBlind, Late Deafened, Speech-Disabled and Hard of Hearing Illinois residents will continue to benefit from […]

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