Why 50th Biennial IAD Conference?

Why 50th Biennial IAD Conference? June 27-30, 2019 Workshops Participate in IAD related business, including voting new officers Entertainment: Magic Show Socialize and Network with Deaf Community Members ** Must be an IAD member to vote (Join/Renew for only $5/year) Questions? Contact the Conference Committee at conference@iadeaf.org Register Now! https://iadeaf.org/2019conf

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Subscribe to IAD’s YouTube Channel!

Did you know that IAD has its own YouTube Channel located at: https://www.youtube.com/c/IadeafOrg1877 We have over 150 video clips covering our social events, officer introductions, community concerns, updates on our legislative and other committee efforts, #WhyIAD, and more. By subscribing to our channel signing up for notifications you can stay informed when new video content is […]

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Qualifying for Social Security Benefits with Hearing Loss

The following is a guest post from Eric Minghella, Outreach Specialist with Disability Benefits Help: If you or someone you love experiences hearing loss, there may be benefits available for your family. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers resources for people who are no longer able to work due to a long-term disability. While it can be challenging […]

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Emergency Medical and Contact Information on SmartPhones

Emergency Medical and Contact Information on SmartPhones By: Donald Moore, October 2018 If you are deaf/hard of hearing, you may want to consider adding comments within your smartphone emergency info that are you are deaf and require the use of a sign language interpreter.  This information can be crucial for first responders in knowing your […]

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Apartments and Retirement Centers for Deaf

by Donald Moore, October 2018 Overview This article discusses about Apartment and Retirement Centers for Deaf Seniors, Full Inclusion and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Although IAD does not manage any facilities for deaf seniors, we will make an effort to share relevant information that may of use to the deaf community. When opportunities arises, IAD staff […]

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